Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 15 - Raw & Alive: The Beginning

  • tea
  • apple
  • Homemade Raisin Granola bar
  • Coffee! (<---this is where it started going sideways...)
  • almonds
  • uhhhh... remember back to Day 6.5, where hubby called me a bad cleanser ("I'm not cleansing!!!")...  This being Day 15...  BEEF DIP!!!  ...with a salad
  • some calamari
  • 1/2 my sister-in-law's yummy homemade chocolate oat muffin
  • tea
  • Broccoli, tofu, onion & brown rice with tamari
  • glass of wine.  Is that a snack? HA!  Was tonight.  "welcome back wine...  Where is your friends 'Brie' & 'Date & Cherry Balsamic Spread' (which has been staring me in the face for 15 days in the fridge)?
  • Pau D'Arco tea.  
oii...  I'm not going to sweat the small stuff, life is too short for that.  No, I don't feel bad about not making it to midnight tonight.  I feel like I learned what I wanted to learn days back: raw food and produce in general will be a way more substantial part of my life.

How do I feel?
  • As I said, I've done 'cleanses'.  The Wild Rose Cleanse, Elderberry Cleanse.  Never noticed a difference aside from being agitated, grumpy, tired, and frankly not much of an end result.  But what I've learned and 'recalled' in the past 15 days, predominantly from the inside, out has been a huge regrouping for me.  I feel more energetic, less up and down, no tired spells.  More clarity, more positive drive, more openness.  As far as my digestive system goes, I can only describe it as efficient, happy, rejuvenated and in better balance.  It has been moderation (not all raw raw fruits and veggies), and it will continue to be moderation.  
  • I will be continuing to educate myself so that raw food meals, and proper nutrition especially become a part of my new normal.  There are things that I know I am missing nutritionally in pursuing raw foods independently.  I need more information.  For me, to remove negative, outdated habits, beliefs or patterns, I need to substitute it with knowledge, research and proper resources.  That takes some time.
  • man, I was a bit conflicted ordering that beef dip.  I guess I reached for the brass ring in terms of looking for a quick iron fix.  I didn't really CRAVE the sandwich, or think "we're going to end our programs today, oh, I've been waaaiiiting for a beef dip!" (on the contrary).  I knew I'd feel full and like I were carrying the beef like a rugby player with the 'ball', nestled in my tum.  It wasn't hugely appealing.  I suppose it was more going for what I knew my body could receive fast iron from.  Yup - I felt a big ol' glob of beef and gummy wheat with me aaallll day.  Not used to that, and frankly, not likin' it!  But not going to beat myself up for it at this point - I need iron.  This is a beginning, and educating myself to maximize my intake of iron through non-heme iron sources is on the horizon.  Changing patterns and educating oneself takes more than 14 days.
  • The 'raw food experience' has added to my life greatly.  As with anything else in my life, (religion/spirituality, parenting, career), I like exposure to various theories, and believe that each one I gravitate towards has varying degrees of wisdom that will become a part of my new normal.  But balance and moderation, living life fully is what is right for me.  So as much as I am not going to throw my stove out and swear off french fries, the past couple of weeks have been profound enough for me to make a substantial second step.  I am very excited and thankful for it becoming a part of my life.
  • This isn't just me.  Hubby has been eating the same as me and has no intention of letting go of our morning green juice, the amount of raw veggies we eat and striving to cook more at home.  Glad we did it together.
  • Do I believe Raw is my path?  Yes, and No.  I will continue to be inspired by all of the new recipes, and add way more fresh vegetables/fruit to my way of life. 
    • I need more iron than I can get with this way of life.  Iron is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies, and plays an incredibly important part in our overall health.  In children, iron deficiency can delay mental/motor development.  In adults, it can also cause fatigue, and impair mental focus.  
    • There are exceptions in cooking foods.  Some foods are unlocked by cooking, releasing more nutrients when cooked. 
    • Some juicing can be incredibly high in sugar.  It is also no substitute for veggies and fruit as it takes out the fibre we would otherwise ingest with it.  I would prefer vitamixing the foods to get the balance of fiber and nutrients.   Just as raw foodies say that fruits and veggies are natural to humans and processed foods are not, eating produce without the fiber is also not natural (healthier?  yes, but still not natural in their separation of fiber/juice).  Will I still juice?  Yes, but probably as often as I have foods that are highly processed.  
Overall, the process has been incredibly rewarding and has served as an enlightening experience as far as the amazing efficiency my digestive system has felt.  I have also felt way better mentally and emotionally - there are just some tweaks I need to instigate.

Happy eating y'all - not matter what your choices are!

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