Wednesday 4 January 2012

Day 1 - Raw & Alive

  • salad (greens, mixed sprouts, carrots, corn, tomato, onion)
  • juice - celery, kale, apple, carrot, broccoli
  • juice - carrot, apple
  • Greek Salad (2 wedges of pita & some tzadziki <--moderation, see?)
  • Green tea
  • Vegetable Lentil Soup (Hubby made it - awesome)
  • Pau D'Arco tea
  • almonds
  • My body feels relieved.  Relieved that it is not going to face that "FULL" feeling.  I dislike that feeling of being "full" - tummy bursting, "Why did I eat that much?"
  • When I did eat a good amount of the vegetable lentil soup, a part of me felt like I was still hungry, but it was moreso that I just wasn't full.  I think when I am HUNGRY, my body says "get that FULL feeling".  But I wasn't.  it wasn't even the amount that made a difference, it felt like it was more so what I ate, that it wasn't all filler.  
  • There is a feeling of energy when you eat 'clean', alive foods.
  • Juicing - FEELS AWESOME!  My 3 year old daughter says her body goes "BING!" when she drinks it.  Mine does too!  I almost can't describe it, but it is better than any caffeine kick or sugar rush you could get (in the case that you think you can't do without coffee, or that can of pop).  It feels innately right, like it just clicks in to every cell and rejuvenates it.  LOVE IT!
  • Having food prepared is so key for me.  Especially for how skiddish I get when I get hungry, I need to grab something that is in the zone.  Case in point: the Greek salad with pita - we took my daughter out for a celebration and the place lacked great choices and I was HUNGRY.  I panicked.  Hubby just shook his head and agreed how not good at 'cleanses' I am.  "No, I'm not, which is why I'm not doing a cleanse."  His salad and vegetable lentil soup were so amazing, his meal prep makes it so much easier...
  • I WANT to work out.  I want to kick some butt!  I attribute this to my veggie friends.  "Thank you for your energy little guys!"
  • This is waaay better than the miso-soup deal-io I did years back... way better.  Too much fermented soy, rice & barley = not nice tummy etc.

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