Wednesday 16 May 2012

Nicaragua - Day 9

Back in the water!  Ahhh, that feels good.  Not much energy from the days past... "breeeeeaaaaathe"  No aggro-ness here.  Ok, I was.  Frustrated, more so.   But good to be back in the water chasing waves.

Lower abdominal still tender.  Digestively, nothing is moving.  ERRCH!!  Drinking tons of water, even tried coffee.  Nada.

I love the people here!!!  Those around us, our friends, the locals in our area, most of the people in the water, just really good vibes.  Aside from Chica, there have been 2 or 3 other girls out there on the water.  The surfers we have met are from all over - Brazil, Peru, other Canadians, Americans from Florida, California; not a lot of locals. 

There has been, on average, a maximum of about 10-15 people on the break.  It is a good break, that can hold that many and not feel too crowded.

Haven't heard of any sightings of sharks in the area, though there is a turtle reserve North of here, up the coast.  My shark-radar is quiet (unlike a trip to Hawaii a couple years ago when it was going off and on our last day, that little voice said my time there was done - just over an hour after we got out of the water, a guy had a 14-foot tiger shark bite the back end of his board off - he was fine).  Always listen to your radar/intuition peeps.

My hair is the longest I've ever had it in my life - it's down to the small of my back.  I was hoping to have it cut before we came, but no such luck.  This is what happens when you have a kiddo and live 1-3 hours away from your chosen hairstylist (I have two stylists).  I am blowin' my coat everyone!  There is hair everywhere.  Maybe I can weave a beach blanket or shade cover with it.


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