Tuesday 8 May 2012

Nicaragua - Day 4

Hubby goes out early for a sunrise surf.  Me and Little M wake up and chill out.  Unless we have to be somewhere, this is time I really love with her.  At home, I hear when she wakes, or she wakes up first and we just cuddle, look at pictures, talk about what we're going to do today etc.  It is a golden time of day; I know time is limited where all of a sudden she'll be grown up and not needing as many cuddles.

This morning, I woke, read my book "The Family Kitchen Garden: How To Plant, Grow & Cook Together", by Leibreich, Wagner, Wendland.  Awesome book if you are in to gardening.  Gives a month-by-month of To-Do's, lists vegetables, fruit, herbs, flowers, how to plant them, including companion and intercrop planting, challenges, recipes for various foods at times of harvest, all with child-minded considerations.  Love it.

Little M slept beside me, stretched and threw a leg on my back, then opened her eyes with a smile.  Ahhh... just that lovely feeling that she's content, safe, loved.  We checked out different plants and crafts to do in the book.  She is a fantastic partner in our gardening endeavours!

After hubby returned and breakfast was had, we went out to the shared pool to visit and catch-up with Chica, Buck and their kiddos.  Their daughter is one year younger than Little M.  Nice for them to have each other here too.

Afternoon session for me and Chica.  SO nice to paddle out there with a buddy.  Back in the pre-Little M days, it was me and hubby.  I miss those days, but it is a different vibe paddling out with a comrade, a gal-pal.   It is more calm, but giggly, understood, chill, encouraging rather than "GO! GO! GO!  PADDLE!"... ahem.   

The water is cool, but not jarring at all.  Perfect for my liking!  I love the moments entering the ocean, the splash of the salt-water on the lips, shuffling-striding your feet blind beneath the waters in the sand (so you don't get stung by a stingray), wading/swimming through the waves, judging when to make the push.  That feeling of just engaging your body against the water, that kind of cardio just feels peaceful, energizing, challenging.  And then you get out past the break and just take a minute; judge the break from where you are.  I feel like my arms are coming back to me - waking up to those paddling muscles "Wakey, wakey!!"  Time for the next phase...

Not only is this first week about igniting the muscles again, but this break in particular requires a person to be right in the pocket.  No catching a shoulder, uh uh.  Either you're not at the peak, and you're catching nothing, you're at the peak and getting pummeled if your timing and placement isn't on, or you're right in the sweet spot, happy as a clam on a great shoulder-head high wave.  Looking forward to tuning up my surfing in that regard.

Little M is so in love with the beach, spinning in the sand, collecting shells, shoveling buckets, digging holes, chasing waves on the shore.  Watching her confirms there is something almost spiritual the ocean ignites in a person.  Brilliance...

Went back to our places and not sure if we invited ourselves over, but Buck and Chica had us for dinner.  That was the best chicken I've had in a while.  wow.  Buck is a great cook.  Delish.

We appreciate being here Nica!

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