Saturday 11 February 2012

From the Inside Out

As mentioned in the previous post, I have been exhausted this week.  Not sure what it is due to (post surgery, iron issues, just that funky vibe in the air, or all of the above), but from what I experienced with the 15 day raw food challenge last month and all the positives that went with it, I was very eager for my second appointment with Grounded Nutrition owner Whitney on Friday.  It was a second meeting - the first was the Free Inital Assessment, this meeting was the Initial Coaching Meeting.  She went through the issues on my 'plate' (pun intended), my goals as far as raw food nutrition.  My goals and desires are:
  • to dramatically increase the amount of raw veggies and fruit in our diet (not to become 100% raw foody or vegetarian) via:
  • resources for preparing raw food meals
  • help in planning raw food meals - we are on the go a LOT, and have a preschooler
  • becoming educated in better nutrition while on this path (including getting enough iron, vitamin B12, D, zinc, calcium)
  • to learn to substitute healthier options for our favourite foods
Vegan Pizza!!  YUH-M!

I am eagerly awaiting her recommendations and resources AND her Healthy Kids Workshop (February 15th), and Healthy Families Workshop (February 22nd), at the amazing Organic Connections Cafe.  We learn to make:
  • Homemade Gluten free, Vegan Pizza
  • Vegan Taco Salad
  • Raw Vegan Pasta Dishes
  • Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Today, I was WIPED, with a dinner party to come.  I asked hubby to take our daughter, so I could nap (me napping doesn't happen in this house unless I'm really sick or extremely tired).  I woke up and still felt like I was running on empty.  Thought I may need to have a coffee - I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but in the past, drank it out of function more than enjoyment.  But, then I JUICED!  Me and my daughter made a carrot, apple, kale and ginger juice.  LOADED it with kale.  Man, my body came alive after that and I was good to go.  Thank you nap and nummy kale et al, and especially my hubby and daughter!  Ah, vibrant, peaceful energy, from the inside, out.

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