Wednesday 5 October 2011

Life Systems

Throughout this blog, I have pulled out a number of analogies in day-to-day life ('managing one's garden'/social circles/Social Accountability,  being 'Plugged In', 'Poop=Fertilizer', water Overflowing, 'Trauma and Growth'/pain before or accompanying growth, Intuition versus Anxiety).  When I write, these circumstances are things that just stick out in my mind, that influence and inspire me.  It is for a reason.

I believe that Life, is an incredibly complex whole, which, under most circumstances, continues with underlying common theories.  What it takes to live is common in some fundamental ways.
  • Life is begins
  • there is an innate nature to that life
  • It is played upon by the environment around it
  • the inherent nature of the life seeks to fulfill itself, to be expressed
  • the life, struggles to bring its innate nature to fruition while maintaining what balance it can to survive
  • if it succeeds or is consistent in bringing it's inherent nature forward, the environment (including life forms around it) around it become enriched
  • if it fails, for whatever reason, it causes a draw upon, or unhealthy balance to the environment around it
  • There is a complex, yet progressive interaction between all life forms, but rarely do they stand alone
  •  When a life ends, it either continues on another generation and/or continues itself in some type of legacy- the energy is taken forward to continue to affect the life forms around it
Whether you or I believe that God starts this life and guides it, or science, spirituality, metaphysics, nothing even - whatever feels right to you and expresses this in the most meaningful manner, is what is right for you.  But the thing is, there are common themes and I believe, we are neither above, nor below these patterns.

Whether a community, a body system in itself, an environment, a family, the periodic table,  a solar system, religions, a film crew, a recipe for cake, a garden  - all of these have independent systems within it that create a whole.  That is just life.  They all have a balance of its parts that make them survive.

Take our physical self:  Each organ and the system it belongs to has a collection of tasks, amongst the whole system.  The digestive system supplies the body with energy and discards what it does not utilize.  The skeletal and muscular system is our physical framework geared to move us.  The immune system adaptst us to our environment and defend us.  The reproductive system continues us on.  Etc. Etc. Etc.  Each system has its place within the whole, just a bunch of cells which in the beginning began to realize their purpose and complete it.  And there you have a human body.  When the organs in that system begin to be compromised, the others around it must help it along,  compensate.  It redirects energy, sometimes putting things in overdrive to either recover, or just survive.  They whole system may be compromised in efficiency, even causing discomfort or more to the entire being. 

A family system - dysfunctional or not, are still a system.  When one member is down, the others rally to recover the member, to show their love, to say the tough things, or even walk away.  We affect one another.  We walk out in to the world in adulthood, imprinted with one, two or more decades of being a certain system within the whole.  Even when you walk away or move on, we are still, to an extent a part of that whole in the patterns we carry forward - even if it is to NOT carry the pattern forward (ah evolution).   And when we go out in to the world, ourselves as a part of that family system, are part of a community now, a society etc.  We have talents, we have patterns that we contribute to our environment good or not so good. 

Are we as humans, a positive system within the world as a whole?  Do I, as an individual, live who i am and offer my part to maintain balance within my family or social system?  Am I maintaining the balance my body, my physical self requires for wellness?  If I am not, at what cost and for what am I paying for? 

It seems way too simple to live these patterns what with all that us human beings are, but perhaps like all other systems, it is part of our survival to do so. 

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