Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 3 & My Garden

I am feeling surprisingly good today.  I think moving around in the garden in the afternoon yesterday probably helped keep the lactic acid moving around. 
ok.  2pm.  Daughter napping - that is a rarity lately!  I think it was a good thing in a few ways to take her to the indoor play gym - she deserved the focus time, good for her to get some activity and LAUGHTER and then a nap, and me,  - TIME TO HIT IT!!   Let's move some more lactic acid.
  • Straight leg kicks - (r) 50
  • Straight leg kicks - (l) 50
  • Front Kicks @ speedbag height - (r) 50
  • Front Kicks @ speedbag height - (l) 50
  • Side Kicks - (r) 50
  • Side Kicks - (l) 50 *no touching down in between (right leg has better balance)
  • Slow roundhouse Kicks - (l) 25 *hold 2' chamber for 1 second before touchdown/improve form
  • Slow roundhouse Kicks - (r) 25

  • Moving Roundhouse kicks - (alternating) 50
Woooo... feelin' the burn.  using fatigued moments as a reminder to keep shoulders down, long neck, shoulder blades togeher.  Whenever I need to take a moment, elongate the spine

  • Roundhouse -> spin back hook - (alt) 50
  • Inside Crescent -> outside crescent - (alt) 50
Let's do some precision stuff...
  • Spin hook kick brushing the speed bag - (r) 25
  • Spin hook kick brushing the speed bag - (l) 25
  •  Set of 10:
  • r/l Front kick, r/l round house, r/l spin hook, r/l back kicks, r/l leg sweeps - 50 (interesting combo...?)
  •  Side Kick (r), Leg sweep, round house, spinning hook - 52
  • Side Kick (l), Leg sweep, round house, spinning hook - 52
 "need more water, but if I go, will M wake up?... DON'T STOP!"
  • front kick->roundhouse (same leg, no touchdown) - (alt) 50
  • front kick->roundhouse (same leg, no touchdown) - (alt) 50  Get the hip OVER!  YEOWCH!
804  Daughter woke up from nap here, so 5 min break.  Made her a little nest in the corner and she cuddled in till I was done!
  • Heavy Bag Roundhouse KICKS! - (r) 50
  • Heavy Bag Roundhouse KICKS! - (l) 50

WHEW!  TOday's workout was a bit slower paced, (took about an hour), but it was helpful for me to be mindful of posture, technique etc. Rebuilding new patterns (posture).  Keeping spine elongated made the spin kicks a lot more crisp and tight.  Very happy with today's workout.

I am thinking tomorrow will be 1,000.  So if I do hit that mark, I think we'll go for 1,000 punches for the rest of the week.  I think my upper body will need some balance and it'll be the true test when it comes to redefining posture within this kind of training. 


So as mentioned above, I was in the garden yesterday afternoon.  All of our beds are topped up with fresh organic soil, waiting for new seeds.  I walked up to the raised beds yesterday and saw the clusters of weeds poking out...grrrr...  So I got on it.  Gotta get them out before I plant our seedlings/new seeds in our veggie garden.

So there I was plugging along in one of our 4 foot, by 12 foot raised beds. My daughter rummaging around in the dirt, and as I pulled the weeds out, as my dad taught me, from the roots up, the parallels between a garden and human beings started growing.

We start out pretty clean when we're born.  Predisposed, maybe with seeds of certain varieties all ready to grow (genetics).  As time goes by, the wind, new soil (all these things representing experiences in life) bring in other seeds and other plants begin to grow.  For the formative years, our parents/siblings plant seeds that will give us the best start.  Sometimes they are seeds that are just what they carried that weren't even so great.  All these things are learned behaviours (ie. education/training in various things, conditioning our minds to think a certain way, normal behaviours, coping mechanisms, negative thoughts, excuses etc.).  We just inherit those things.  As we get older, things shift and we have the choice of what to plant in our beds. The garden beds closest to us (friends, significant others, coworkers etc.) spread their seeds and we grow what they grow as well - some beautiful flowers, wonderful veggies etc. (positive characteristics, loving behaviours, ethics, beliefs, behaviours etc.).  Most of these things do take and begin to grow, they stay within our bed.  They come to light, and all of these things together represent who we are.

Sometimes, we plant things that are beneficial for us at a certain time, but they later become of no use, or even detrimental to current situations.  They become weeds.  They take nutrition/space from the soil below.  On the surface,  they overshadow and block out the reception of sunlight (positive, productive energy),  and the ability of others to enjoy the beneficial plants we ARE trying to nurture and grow, and sometimes even extinguish those beneficials (flowers/fruits/veggies) from seeing the light of day.

And what kicked my gardens butt last year (literally, but works here in this metaphor)?  Planting TOO much!  Things got cluttered, huge, it ended up looking like a huge forest and I couldn't FIND the good things in it after a while.  The things I did want to grow, may have grown, but I couldn't FIND them in the jungle!   I couldn't concentrate on keeping up with it all.  It was so much, I kind of gave up.

Weeds.  They aren't necessarily ugly, or harmful, though sometimes they are.  But they take away energy/space from the beautiful, helpful, productive things to grow and flourish.  For example:  Imagine you could pull out all of the dandelions from my garden- "EXCUSES".  What would life be if I took away all the excuses?...  Maybe sometimes an excuse here and there is helpful, but usually not.  The thing is, we have to determine, "What is an excuse, and what is a valid reason?"  Sometimes those plants look similar!  BUT you KNOW what the answer is.  There's that little voice that calmly, in the depths of your wisdom calls out, "bullshit" as soon as the thought evolves.  But because your garden has buttercups, maybe you are used to them or it's easier to just let it go ahead and grow.  If no one is tending to them, or aware that they are useless and detrimental, of course they are going to grow! 

Then, for whatever reason, one day, you turn inward and you get a look at your own garden.  There is a lot to be proud of, but perhaps you are not growing what you would like to now be growing.  And all those weeds?  How did they get so big, and so many?  Now they are spreading seeds everywhere!  You can hide the leaves, your can cut them off, but everytime you try and hide, it the root system is still there, just as big and intricate below the surface, still taking up energy and and space below the surface.  So you pull it.  It's not coming out. And the longer they are left to grow, the deeper the roots extend out and they become harder to pull. Boy, you gotta go DEEP and it takes time.  But once you get them out of your life, Imagine all the things you CAN plant?

Most importantly, look at the things you love and WANT to grow (the useful skills, the characteristics that make you unique, that you love to express, things that may nourish people around you etc.), and take the time to tend to them - give them the space, the energy, the resources to flourish.  If there is only so much sunlight  (energy) in a day, what is going to get it?

Call me crazy and yes, there I went again, but I believe life has parallels for a reason.  The laws of nature are there to teach us, to keep us in line, and ultimately, we are just one more piece of the whole puzzle.

What's in your garden this Spring?

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