Friday 14 October 2011

The Other Story

A couple of points to make:
  1. I am now a addict
  2. I am sitting here eating a plate of hashbrowns at 11:41pm wondering where my body is going to put it (ugh, but YUM!)
So what then comes to mind from the above, is a quote  that I came across on Pinterest*:

I don't believe things are THAT simple.  Life happens.  Environmental factors are in place.  Life is not that simple.  BUT...


If every act you chose to do (consciously or subconsciously) was a direct input to what the output was, what would your body show?  What you put in (and on) to your body, what you tell your body, how you direct its' resources, how you repeatedly deal with stress - how would all of these things translate if genetics and environmental factors out of our hands did not matter?  What would you be creating?  Are you helping your own creation and maintenance or are you just plugging the metre with what you were conditioned with, or feel is 'good enough'?

A step further.   If I were to take every increment of energy I expel, and those outputs directly illustrated ME (who I am), what would my world be?  What/how much energy do I give my daughter?  What words do I use with her?  What does my husband get from me?  What do I input in to our relationship?    What do I offer to work?  What feelings, intentions and energy do I invest in these things?  What would my life be if all that I invested were the only factors in creating myself? 

The past six months have been a challenge.  Alongside some really amazing times, and grounding moments that I am thankful for,  I also feel, in a sense that I am spinning my wheels - waiting for certain things to come to completion, for life to be different, wishing I could do more, feeling helpless or far away from those I hold most dear, missing them etc.  Our society lives so much outside of the present moment, that what we expend our energy on, is completely inappropriate for what we are truly aiming to create in our lives.  We work our tails off so that 'one day', we will have enough money to retire.  We throw all of our energy in to work, so our family will thrive.  We stress about things of the past, or what is to come, so that one day we might have peace.  We are hard on our loved ones, because we need help or do not feel heard.

I am not saying that where each of us is in life, is because of what we have done and that alone.  Life ain't that simple.  However, there is a simplicity that we must be accountable for: where we put our energy is what will grow (with the footnote that we are not in control of everything, and can not change everything).  Sometimes life sucks.  We can't possibly choose everything with full knowledge (unless all info is fully disclosed and available - in that case, we are responsible).  We can not change our surroundings on many levels.  So no, not all things are a result of our own actions.  However, we have more control than we realize and that scares us.  In reality, it should empower us, but when we are so used to being told what to buy, what to take and when, how to raise our children, what we should have, what should not have happened etc., having the reigns firmly and solely in our hands can be daunting.  But, you know what?  Now is the time. 

For 24 hours, put your energy/decisions purposefully towards those things in your life and see how parallel what you put out, is what you create.

*I hate to show a photo without crediting the creator, but as far as I can tell, it came from here

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