Sunday 30 October 2011


Do you ever get that feeling, that something extraordinary must be done?

1 comment:

  1. I have experienced that feeling - usually when I'm at the point of looking for a shopping cart. Then, I not only realize that "something extraordinary" must be done, but am forced to actually 'take' extraordinary action to prevent the potential disaster. At that point it would seem that every thought and every move had to be extraordinary for survival.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I look at the art within me and consider the 'extraordinary' gift of creativity. Then, the idea that my talents for what they are should be developed 'toward' extraordinary results.

    I like the word extraordinary because it speaks to everything from decision making to actions and hints that if one just puts out the effort of doing something extraordinarily well....
    the results will be the same.
    Are these examples similar to what you had in mind. The question is a little mysterious.
