Monday 11 June 2012

Nicaragua - The Long Road Home

The day previous was divided from today by a couple hours of sleep I got with Little M, while hubby went for his last surf.  We were all a little groggy, but Little M slept well in the hours she had, her fever stayed down, as did her fluids.  Huge relief!

Buck and the boys were not able to return the night before, so we said our 'goodbyes' amidst heartfelt 'thank you's with Chica, Ali & Kate, who were also a little groggy.  We will see them on the other side, back home.  Good times and challenges brought us closer indeed.  They are all incredibly kind and lovely women.

Chica.  Oh how I wish we had more time on the water together!  So many waves to catch, my friend!  "la vez próxima"

We returned to the Roberto Clemente Clinic to settle our balance with them - the tiny clinic we have become intertwined with, under less than ideal circumstances.  To build such a place, to have such amazing people working so hard with such heart is very unique. It has a special place in my heart for which I am thankful for.  I have a good sized row of stitches up my shin, but like the rest of my scars, and my unlady-like beliefs, they all proudly carry a story.  This one will carry the remembrance of people with heart - both friends and the clinic.

Off we went, chasing Managua down the dusty, red roads - a three hour drive through the Nicaraguan countryside.  We didn't have a map, just a screen shot of a Lonely Planet section of map and directions from our new friends, "Turn right after you go over the speedbumps.... you'll pass by the brightly coloured toadstools... right at the 'Papa Johns'..."  I was a little uneasy, raising my eyebrows at hubby when they were saying it, but the directions couldn't have been better in the landscape we were in.  We loved our drive and team work.

Little M slept on and off in the back, her tum holding off, but still not 100%.  She was chipper and on the mend, studying a vile which contained a little Africanized bee that had met its demise.  It is pretty cool when you can say your own child is one of the best people you have ever met.  She is resilient, kind, intelligent, positive, goofy, compassionate and just of love.  I am so incredibly thankful and proud to be her momma.

We passed through the "colourful toadstool" craftsmarket in Masaya.  I'd love to visit that place one day with more time.  Very cool.  My eyeballs stayed behind at a roadside antique store... "oohhhhhhh..."

Finally we arrived at our hotel in Managua.  We went for a lovely dinner together, then settled in for sleep for our final leg home...

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