Wednesday 14 September 2011

Plugged In

"Sometimes you make something and the Universe just says, 'yes, you did good today'.  You woke up with nothing and then you made something where there was nothing"  Anthony Kiedis, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

There are those days where you feel grounded, satisfied, content and the greatest feeling of it all was that you gave.  This is 'peace' and a measure of a good day to me - when you feel 'plugged in' to life, from the essence of who you are, to the reception of such by your surroundings.

We are all born with unique strengths that we come by naturally, that often times we disregard as talents because it is just how we innately express ourselves.  Perhaps it is the gift of humour, of insight, story-telling, an artistic eye, or physical, musical, intellectual talent.  Maybe the gift to see people wholly, or to engage them to bring their best to light.  The ability to problem solve in a particular way, organize thoughts or facts.  Maybe it is carrying a sense of peace, or being a conduit for a certain theme in life, of just giving love in a certain way etc.  When we are in touch with who we are and what makes us unique, we can offer these facets of who we are to contribute to Life.  When they are received by those beings in our surroundings, we have made a difference - we fit (I believe it is our responsibility as a part of the whole, to acknowledge and show appreciation when people offer their own gifts as it is not always easy for the person themselves to pin-point their own strengths - again, what a better world it would be if we lead by positive reinforcement and gratitude when possible) .

It is not what we earn, nor the "stuff" we have, but what we nurture and express in this world that makes the greatest difference in ourselves and the world around us.  Perhaps we are collectively learning this amongst all those things in life that deepen us - the tragedies, the losses, the injustices and equally, the dreams we share and strive for.   More and more people are caring to see what they, themselves are all about and are finding the need to express it and be received.

This year has been a year of reflection, of attaining more balance and, I feel, conserving and expending more focused energy mindfully.  Life has deepened in many ways - due to major happenings in the world, personal circumstances, investment in things that truly matter.

May you live today from the foundation of your own unique gifts, and if you see those around you living from theirs and making a positive impact, show gratitude.


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