Friday 29 April 2011

Day 4 - Give Me Magic

OOoh doggie!  What a morning.

Watched my daughter in her first recital costume dance with such happiness.  We had a very nice visit with wonderful ladies and kiddos.  She and I played at the playground, had a hot chocolate date.  Maybe she knew something was just different today for me.  We were groovin' today.  Many hugs.

So we came home and I set her up in the other room - her toy room.  I asked her, "don't you want to come and do some kicks with momma?".  "no thank you" she said.  "come on, I could really use your support...?"  She left it open ended.

So I went in to the gym, turned on some music and slowly walked around.  It took me a bit to get all cylinders in my mind fired up - to get in the head space.  Just a jumble of stuff inside, I suppose.  I guess I was anticipating some kind of power surging, beat-down, but it didn't happen.  

Took a big ol breath in and out.  It was a slower start - fluid, focused on technique and warming up with slow, low kicks

  • Straight leg kicks - (r) 50
  • Straight leg kicks - (l) 50
  • Front kicks @ speed bag - (r) 50
  • Front kicks @ speed bag - (l) 50
  • Side kicks - (r) 50
  • Side kicks - (l) 50
300 At this point, M started bombing in and out of the gym.  At first I was kind of scattered, and I reset my counts to '0' a few times, because I'd lose track, but I kind of saw it for what it was - cool to have her around while I was striving for a goal.  She started dancing, trying to kick.  WOW, was she every groovin'!!  Yes, I did take a few short dance breaks with her.  She just wanted to be around.  She even gave me three bracelets to show her support (which I will be keeping in my office, beside my black belt as a reminder of today).  As long as I didn't kick her in the head, it was still all a "go"
  • Slow Roundhouse kicks - (r) 50
  • Slow Roundhouse kicks - (l) 50 
  • Roundhouse kicks w/ followthrough - (r) 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 *"soccer kick"
450 alternating after sets of 10 - dizzy!!
  • Roundhouse kicks w/ followthrough - (l)10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  • Roundhouse-> spin back hook - (alternating) 50
  • Roundhouse->spin back hook - (alt) 50
  • Front kick->Roundhouse (same leg, no touchdown) - (alt) 50
  • Front kick->Roundhouse (") - (alt) 50
  • Front kick (low->high kick), Roundhouse, Spin hook - 54
  • Side kick (low->high) same leg, no touchdown - (alt) 50
  • Lambert inside cross kicks to heavy bag - (r) 25
  • Lambert inside cross kicks to heavy bag - (l) 25 *not so happy with these
  • Roundhouse->heavybag - (r) 50 *power
  • Roundhouse->heavybag - (l) 50
  • Capoeira Spin kicks - (r) 25
  • Capoeira Spin kicks - (l) 25 *felt all wobbly with the right ones, and I didn't want to end on that note, so kept going.
  • Spin Hook->speed bag - (r) 25
  • Spin Hook->speed bag -(l) 25
1054 - yihoo!

It was pretty cool.  M kept charging around weaving in and out having a ball, so it kept me having a good time - the energy was positive.  She even sat for a while on the sidelines and clapped and chanted, "go momma, go! You can do it!"  That is why I will keep my little bracelets from today that she gave me... I will never forget that.  It was perfect for reaching the goal, for her to be there with me.

She was pretty tired.  It wasn't until 7pm that we packed it up, but she still didn't want to start the bedtime routine.  She wanted to go outside and catch the last bit of light.  She was adamant about it.  She was very active today, and usually, when I see the tired cues come out, i will call it, but today was about the bigger picture.

We bundled up and headed outside to play with our dog.  "Who needs water?" (I'm talkin' about me, not the dog).   I poured a nice big glass of Chardonnay and out we headed.  We threw the ball for V and had a really good time.  I threw one ball on top of the house... I came around to see if it was going to roll off, which it didn't, but then being at that side of the house, I caught a very golden sunset.  It was a very lovely moment - that last bit of the day, just golden light.  And then M spotted the beginning blossoms of our Ballerina Magnolia (magnolias are one of my favourite flowers) opening their petals. 
 So very simple, but sometimes, life gives you those moments that just take your breath away, and you feel so connected and a part of something bigger.  It was happy, beautiful, peaceful... just so full of life.   Life keeps on going, and reminders that miracles happen every day, are everywhere.  I know, I could be cynical, and think that sunset and those flowers and that moment meant nothing.  But if it takes energy to be cynical, and energy to see the magical moments... give me magic, baby.  I'd take a life of magic any day.

Very thankful for a powerful, loving, very full day today.

1 comment:

  1. What a magical end. I think it was a sign myself for you. That it's ok to remember. It's ok to have "the" memory of it all. And that it reminds you those little moments that even a little bracelet or a "way to go mom" will remind you that all is amazing in life. to live in the happiness of the moment rather than the sadness of the past! Hugs my friend. I know it must have been hard at times with the reminder of things that could have been but i am soooo glad your day ended up magical for you!
