Tuesday 23 August 2011

There will be a day when my lungs empty of their last breath.  My heart will spin and fear letting go of this life and from my loved ones, and memories will pass like a slow, easy breeze across my mind.

I will remember, summer days walking down the long driveway to the garden with my little girl chattering away with that sweet voice I sometimes nowadays take for granted.  Her picking and eating a meals' worth of veggies from the patch of earth we planted together.  Little hands plucking sun-warmed strawberries from the barrel - her most treasured gems of the garden.  Then one fine, plump strawberry left, she holds it up to the blue-skies and without a thought, offers it to me.  The sweetest, most flavourful strawberry I can remember.

It is crazy how life moves along, those moments that just happen.  Some moments make you just stop, as though the whole world suddenly slowed just for you to take note.  The first kiss my husband gave me will ride along that breeze too.

These moments cost nothing.  Most of the time they make me wonder what all the 'chasing' in life is for, but for chasing moments like these.

Thursday 18 August 2011

All About A Glue Stick

The past while has been busy on both the home-front and professionally.  Many changes, shifts, fantastic moments, learning curves, and professional challenges. 

A slice of life within all of that was a moment between my daughter and another little one.  They were playing together, doing crafts.  One wanted the glue stick the other was using.  We were doing 5 minute intervals of switching  - glue stick versus dollop of glue.  Both had had turns with the two means of gluing.  But it had come to a crucial moment.  Even though there was a dollop of glue on a plate for the other to use, she still wanted what the other had.  It was in her mind.   I encouraged the two to work it out.  Tears began to fall.  I took a deep breath (and took my Rescue Remedy).

Tears tumbled down the sun-kissed cheeks.  I took her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes and said the first thing that came to mind. "I am a firm believer that when we don't have exactly what we want, we are meant to see what else can be done, and you know what?  What else is out there, is often times better than what we wished we'd had, or way more creative than what we originally wanted".  Her tear-soaked eyes glimmered and her sweet little heart shifted gears.  She now had a challenge to seek what else could be done.

To the table she went with q-tips and a whole new game plan!  ...Till the timer went off, when the other little one wanted the q-tips and the glue-stick was absolutely not feasible to the other... sigh...

In the end though, I was gifted a funky cool craft with some very artistic gluing... HA!

It was a reminder to me:  If I'm not able to access what I want or think I need, maybe lift my eyes and let go.  Look for what else is out there to make things work or flow.  Flexibility.

Thankful for the lessons little ones consistently bring.