Thursday 23 June 2011

Favourite Products & Things - Part II

This post is successive to Favourite Products (May).  Here are some more lovely things that make my life groovy that I thought I'd pass on :)  Click on the names of the recommendations (not the photos) for links to the product page.

So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage
  • I am not one to drink a glass of cow's milk.  It just makes me feel gross - mucky.  I have tried rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, but this one is my new favourite thanks to my husband. 
  • Coconut fat contains lauric acid (also found in breast milk) which contains antimicrobial/antiviral properties
  • Is a vegetarian source of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) which help with weight maintenance without raising cholesterol
  • The milk is clean tasting, light (but still a nice consistency).  Makes my body feel gooood!

Smooze Fruit Ice
  • All three of us in this family LOVE Smoozes.  Yummy!  Coconut frozen milk paired with Passion Fruit, Pink Guava, Pineapple.  Fantastic for the summertime

Organic Connections Cafe @ White Rock Beach
  • Hubby and M found this restaurant/cafe a couple weeks ago.  I recently stopped in and fell in love - peaceful, gorgeous view, delicious food and wonderful staff - my new place to slip away and write my blog!
  • "A vegan/vegetarian 'live' food cafe and meeting place on the beach... We serve primarily organic 'live' food cuisine and various cooked options."
  • YIHOOO!  Thankful for such a great new place to park my tastebuds! 


"The Talent Code" by Daniel Coyle
  • It stimulated my thoughts on the learning process and fired my desire to continue learning.
  • If you have children, are pursuing learning skills in your own life, or just for the love of life, it is a great read.  Makes you feel anything is possible if you just commit

"Hold Me Tight" by Dr. Sue Johnson
  • My lovely sister recommended this one to me for insight in to relationships with regards to significant others  - Thank you L!
  • I kind of cringed when I (someone who values my own space) heard the title.   I thought, "Sounds kind of like 'Stalk Me Gently'".  I don't want to be "held tight", just understood and to be understanding.  This book has some good perspectives on understanding one another.  It "clicks" in the head and heart.

"Don't Shoot The Dog" by Karen Pryor
  • Using Positive Reinforcement for behavioural training (not limited to, by any means, dogs!)
  • It changed the way I have directed my parenting, and most other relationships in my life, and most importantly dealing with myself. 

"Flourish: A Visionary Understanding of Happiness & Well-Being"  by Dr. Martin Seligman
  •  I keep coming back to this book, have not read it through yet, but what I have processed of it, clicks. 

"Style Statement" by Carrie McCarthy & Danielle LaPorte
  • "Your Style Statement is the two words that define the true you. It’s a touchstone for making more powerful choices in your life – from your wardrobe to your living room, your relationships to your career plans. Your Style Statement is where your essence meets your expression."
  • A fun book to delve inside your inner style cosmos.  Fun to do
    • yet another book recommendation from my friend Miss R.  She finds the best books!

and my all-time favourite book:
"Warrior of the Light" by Paulo Coelho
  • Turn the page, find inspiration.  Love This Book.


Environmental Working Group
  • I mentioned ratings of this on my last "Favourites" post with regards to Keys skin care.  But this website is great for checking the level of toxicity in anything from makeup to sunscreens, shampoos to babies/kids skin care products. I do not buy a skin-care product without it.
Rate MD
  • Interesting site to check out patient reviews of their doctors/dentists/healthcare providers.

CBC Radio One
  • This is a Canadian radio station.  It has stimulating, mindful programs that are thought-provoking, informative and carries minimal "noise".  
  • It delivers current events in a more informative, rather than sensational, fearful way.
  • Pop radio is to a nightclub, as CBC Radio One is to a thoughful world discussion with a good friend in a lovely environment.
  • In my earlier years,  I'd hear it as I scanned through the channels, and felt the same as hubby does - joking about the mellow-voices.  But I gotta say, I have changed my tune - LOVE IT.  I feel better in my days for it

    I  will leave it at that for now.  Again, if any product interests you, please do your own research to find out if it is right for you, and if you have any products/links you would like to post, I'd love to hear from you below.  Share the good things in life!  Consumer power :)

    Happy Thursday everybody :)

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