Friday 18 November 2011


The past few months have been interesting.  "Interesting".  It's been a mixture of feeling somewhat bound.  Life is fine, but just a feeling of helplessness to people I love dearly that are struggling.  It is somewhat easier when you 'get life': A + B = C. But things aren't always that clear, especially in the moment, is it?

This fall has affirmed a lot of life lessons:
  • When challenges happen, it shakes things up.  Other issues come to the surface bubbling all around the challenge.  It makes us reconsider things, change our paths if we so choose.  Back to the post about Trauma & Growth, hopefully we grow.  
  • Family and good friends are an undeniable force.  When shit hits the fan, if family pulls together, nobody feels so alone.  My family is amazing and I am so thankful to learn life lessons amongst the people who I love most in this world.  I love you dearly.
  • Sometimes life takes away things/people we are used to going to, so that we learn to either suck it up and go, or perhaps strengthen, or make new relationships that otherwise may not have grown.
  • Your own life is your own life and that's it. We live by our choices, yet all walk together.  Amazing how life binds these two contrasts in such a way.  Very yin/yang...
  • It is fundamental to have people around that you can count on.  That takes building with mindfulness and love.
  • We are not meant to do it all alone.
I watched one of the best documentaries I've seen the other day with my mom.  "I Am" by Tom Shadyac  THAT is what life is about.  I'm not going to tell you what it is about.  Go see it for yourself.   Best.  Ever.

I will say, we aren't meant to go through life feeling alone.  Doing so drains the spirit.

I am in awe of my daughter.  She is three and out and about, she chooses people and just has an urge to go and say "hi", to tell a girl who looked a bit sad at the sinks in the washroom that she is beautiful.  She just goes through her days 'lighting people'.  I am so deeply proud of her.  She gives to people's spirits and teaches me everyday.

You have to count on those in your inner circle.  They hopefully can count on you.  But all of that is earned and doesn't come easy.  In life, I'm not sure there is anything more important than that as the foundation of who we all are.  You have that and no matter what, you are fortunate.

Go light someone up and tell those in your circle you love them.